Operating data feedback


Until now

Even today, many operating data are entered manually in paper lists. The drawbacks are obvious: mistakes can be made in filling in, but there is no room for corrections. Submissions are later than intended because the document was not available or other activities had to be completed first. In some cases, only estimates are recorded.
Unfortunately, the problem of reporting data in paper form does not stop there. Mostly they are collected in an inbox at another point in the production before being captured in the digital system. Short-term plan deviations are therefore only recorded with a time delay. In case of doubt, registration takes place the next day or even once a week. Since the person who enters the data into a digital system is usually not the person who recorded the data, reading difficulties may also arise. More decisive, however, is usually handling in production, which also leads to contamination or damage. As a result, production planning may receive the actual data so late that a reaction to deviations is no longer possible in time to fulfill customer orders.



The problem does not arise with the Selfbits Manufacturing Suite thanks to digital production data acquisition. Real-time machine and operational data is made available by reporting on retrofit machines with sensors, retrieving data directly from the controller, or manually recording from the tablet. Transportation and storage data is also collected from tablets coupled with scanners and shipping documents.

Production planning thus has permanent real-time data on the current production status. It can react dynamically and quickly to deviations and lay the foundation for planning small batch sizes.

Used functions of the Selfbits Manufacturing Suite


Machine Data Collection

With the help of flexible hardware solutions, we help you to capture, store and provide relevant machine and sensor data on an ongoing basis for specific articles and orders.


Real-time Capture of Production Data

Use tablets on machines or the flexibility of smartphones to record set-up times, machine downtimes and reasons as well as good and bad parts flexibly in real time.


Digital production orders

Supply your employees paperless with production orders and relevant job information such as drawings, setting parameters, article descriptions and diagnostic procedures on tablets at machines and workstations.


No. The Selfbits Manufacturing Suite is best compared to an integrated PDA/MDA and PPS/MES solution. Its goal is to depict the process from “dock-to-dock” as a digital twin along the value stream in as much detail as possible, capturing all relevant data centrally in the process. Based on this, core value creation can be optimized, and future production can be better planned. Master data such as articles, materials, and machines are synchronized from the ERP through interfaces or transferred once. All accounting processes continue to take place in the ERP.

Yes. All common ERP systems (SAP, ProAlpha, ABAS, Sage, Navision, Infor) offer interfaces to extract or input data. We would be happy to discuss with you the possibilities for integration with your existing ERP.

Yes. We are happy to help with the integration. Just contact us.

The Selfbits Manufacturing Suite offers interfaces via REST and GraphQL to access data. This allows for in-house development of solutions and integration with other software. Data exports to Excel are also possible.

Yes and no. Our standard operating model involves hosting on the secure AWS cloud in Frankfurt am Main. If you strictly require an on-premise license, please contact us so we can find a solution together.

The data is centrally stored and processed in the AWS Cloud in Frankfurt am Main. A separate VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) is set up for each customer to ensure data security. Learn more about this in our Privacy and Data Security Whitepaper.

It’s complicated. To our own surprise, we have found in collaboration with our clients that barcodes are often much cheaper and easier to handle than solutions using NFC or RFID. The choice of “carrier technology” ultimately always depends on the conditions in production. If you use large containers and automated handling technology, the tendency leans towards RFID. If you use small containers and there are process steps with extreme external factors such as temperature or moisture, barcodes are often the better option. We would be happy to discuss the details with you personally.

Yes. As long as something is mechanically moving or electricity is flowing, we are able to capture at least rudimentary process signals.

Selfbits Shopfloor Solutions
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Take advantage of Selfbits flexible solutions to optimize your utilization and reduce waste.

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